Protein; Béo; Ca; P; Lysine; Methionine; Methionine + Cystein; Threonine; Tryptophan; Vitamin
A; Vitamin D3; Vitamin
E; Vitamin B1; Vitamin B12
MILK-PET AP contains
nutrient-rich, balanced and easily absorbed ingredients which similar to
mother-Pet’s milk.
MILK-PET AP has ability
to replace for mother-Pet’s milk in the cases: Reduced milk production, agalactia or lack of milk because of offspring overcrowding.
MILK-PET AP also is a
source of nutritional supplement for pets being small-sized and slow growth.
Pets under 1-month-old: Dilute 1 tablespoon (5 g) in 20 ml warm drinking water,
drink by milk bottle 4 - 5 times per day.
Pets from 1-month to
2-month-old: Dilute 1 tablespoon (5
g) in 15 ml warm drinking water, 4 - 5 times per day, freedly drink.
Pets over 2-month-old: Mix into feed or dilute in warm drinking water: 1
tablespoon (5 g)/ 1 kg of body weight/ day, combine with daily feed.
with small-sized, slow growth, or have diseases: Mix into feed or dilute in warm drinking water: 2
tablespoon (10 g)/ 1 kg of body weight/ day, combine with daily feed.