Protein; Béo; Ca; P; Lysine; Methionine; Cystein; Threonine; Vitamin A; Vitamin D3; Vitamin E; Vitamin B1; Vitamin B12; Dextrose
MILK AP with nutrient-rich ingredients, balance and easily absorbed similar to animal’s milk; can replace it in case of agalactia; helps newborn animals grow faster.
Mix into feed or dilute with drinking water.
- Newborn piglets: 1 kg/ 2.5 liters of warm drinking water.
- Creep feeding piglets: 1 kg/ 15 kg of feed.
- Piglets from post-weaning period up to 70 days old: 1 kg/ 25 kg of piglet feed.
- Low milking sows: 1 kg/ 30 kg of sow feed.
- Newborn calves, goats, sheep: 1 kg/ 2.5 liters of warm drinking water.